

At Alpha Kliniek, you are welcome to a wide range of treatments. We focus on body, hair and skin health. All under one roof, provided by medical professionals with years of experience.Below we list everything for you.

Beschadigde haarzakjes zijn een grote factor in haarverlies. De bekendste methode om haarverlies tegen te gaan is een haartransplantatie. Tijdens deze behandeling wordt er haar uit het donorgebied (op de achterkant van het hoofd) getransplanteerd naar het schaarse gebied. Dit is de meest effectieve en permanente methode. 

Er zijn verschillende technieken die kunnen worden toegepast bij deze behandeling, maar de FUT-techniek – wat wordt gezien als de ‘klassieke methode’ – heeft de laatste jaren zijn populariteit verloren aan de FUE-techniek. De FUE-techniek is een pijnloze behandeling die er ook voor zorgt dat de cliënt veel sneller zijn of haar oude routine kan oppakken na de ingreep. Deze techniek zorgt voor een korter hersteltraject en snellere resultaten.

“De Nieuwste Techniek: Een Pijnloos Systeem in Haartransplantaties”

Hair Transplant

Our core service that we have offered for over 15 years. A hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which we transplant hair from donor areas (usually the sides and back of the head) to balding areas. The treatment takes one day and is considered virtually painless. It requires good preparation and a delicate aftercare routine that we go through with you. The results of this treatment are permanent.


Hair pigmentation

This treatment is for camouflaging open areas between existing hairs. It is similar to a tattoo, only this one is not permanent and considerably less painful. The treatment lasts roughly 5 hours and consists of two to three sessions. The idea here is to make the hair look fuller by pigmenting the scalp with small dots.


Hair boosters

In order to strengthen existing hair and prevent hair loss, we have three ways to make these cosmetic desires come true. Subcutaneous injections can be used to administer growth factors, vitamins and other beneficial ingredients. Many of these treatments must be repeated several times. We use the leading techniques.



Do you have fine lines, deeper wrinkles or volume loss on your face? Or do you wish to maintain the natural contours of your face? Botox and fillers are the most proven and effective answer to these issues today. With naturalness in mind, our team of cosmetic doctors will provide a personalized treatment plan that suits your natural beauty and face.


Fat Reduction

According to statistics, 40% of the Dutch struggle with obesity. Despite the wide range of fitness centers, nutritionists and diet variations, it remains difficult to have the appearance you want. In our clinic, we look not only at the result of treatment, but also at a person’s lifestyle. We offer a listening ear and an analytical eye. Through injections and fat cell freezing, we strive to achieve the appearance you dream about.


Vitamin infusion

Do you ever feel tired or exhausted? Energetic or fluish?

Of course, this could be due to illness, stress or poor eating, for example. It may be that your body does not have enough nutrients to reach a good energy level. You feel it, your body lacks vitamins and minerals and it is difficult to maintain your natural resistance. The body may need some help to get back to a good energy level. An extra vitamin regimen may help.


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Are you struggling with hair loss or know someone who is? During our free consultation you can reach us with all your questions and concerns. Just fill out the form below. We will contact you the same day!

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