
Hair transplant


At Alpha Kliniek, it’s all about hair enhancement. Below you can read all about different hair transplant methods and techniques and what you can do before and after a hair transplant treatment.

Damaged hair follicles are a major factor in hair loss. The best-known method of combating hair loss is hair transplantation. During this treatment, hair from the donor area (on the back of the head) is transplanted to the scarce area. This is the most effective and permanent method.

There are several techniques that can be used in this treatment, but the FUT technique – which is considered the “classic method” – has lost popularity to the FUE technique in recent years. The FUE technique is a painless treatment that also ensures that the client can pick up his or her old routine much faster after the procedure. This technique provides a shorter recovery time and faster results.

“The Latest Technique: A Painless System in Hair Transplants”

Basic Information

About a hair transplant

A hair transplant is for anyone struggling with hair loss or a bald spot on the head. A hair transplant is an effective solution to hair loss for both women and men. What is worth noting, however, is that the success rate may be lower for clients with dermatological problems, such as eczema or psoriasis. Hair loss may be higher in the cold months but you can experience benefits from a hair transplant any season of the year. Treatment takes an average of 6 to 9 hours. This varies from client to client. After treatment, the newly placed hairs are slightly shorter than the original hairs. If you do not feel comfortable about this, you can wear a scarf or cap for about 10 days after surgery.

A month after treatment, hair loss may occur in the area where the hair transplant took place. This is a natural process and the client need not worry about it. After 6 months, the transplanted hair appears natural.

What is the


How does an FUE hair transplant work? Before we begin treatment, the area is locally anesthetized. This ensures that the treatment is completely painless. Next, enough hair follicles are collected from the neck area. The amount of hair follicles varies. Each client receives a personalized treatment plan. The hair follicles, which are collected, are placed in a petri dish, with ionized water and ATP. These petri dishes are cooled by a unique system.

After cooling, we begin making hollow incisions, which are called “channels. This is where the hair follicles are later transplanted . The incisions are placed at an angle of about 45 degrees. This allows the new hair to grow naturally and not stand out. The idea is that a stranger on the street will not notice that you have had a hair transplant. The result is largely determined by the channeling process.

During placement, the hair follicles are placed with extreme precision and focus. The duration of this process varies between 6 and 9 hours. Since it is not necessary to place sutures with the FUE technique, scars on the skull are avoided.

The FUE technique is often preferred because this treatment is completely painless. During the FUT technique, the client experiences more pain and the healing process takes much longer. This is because in the FUT technique, the skin is also transplanted. The fast process of the FUE technique, without

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